dinsdag 24 november 2009

Intellectual property

Yesterday, we have discussed unit 11 in class. This unit is about intellectual property.
Intellectual property can be defined as a number of distinct types of legal monopolies over creations of the mind, both artistic and commercial, and the corresponding fields of law.

Intellectual property law has primary rights, such as Copyright, Patent, trade mark,…
Copyright is an exclusive right granted to authors of creative works to control the use of their original works. Also the patent is an exclusive right but it is granted by a government to an inventor which prevents others from making, using or selling his or her invention.
A trade mark is a distinctive registered mark used by a business to identify itself and its products or services to consumers.

According to me, this was the most interesting unit of all. In class, there was the example of the movie: The Da Vinci Code. This movie is an infringement of copyright. The authors of “Holy Blood, Holy Grail” claimed that the publishing company of The Da Vinci Code stole the ending of there book. Dan Brown was a witness to this case. The defendant, the publishing company, won because there was no textual coping of the book “Holy Blood, Holy Grail”.

This was my last blog, I hope that you have enjoyed reading my blogs!

Source: Handbook International Legal English,5th printing, Krois-Linder and Trans-legal, p. 148

1 opmerking:

  1. I also found it the most interesting unit of all. We study law practice and intellectual property is an important subject in law. It was also a fascinating lesson, because of the movie the lector showed us.
