woensdag 11 november 2009

Oklahoma Governor signs bill to tighten employment standards for illegal immigrants

The news article, I found on Fox news, is linked with unit 8 and my previous article which is also about the employment law.
The subject matter of this article is the immigration bill that is tightens employment standards.
The reason for this is that they would like to prevent illegal immigrants from finding work.

In Oklahoma City, there are more than 100.000 illegal immigrants located.
Tuesday, Governor Brad Henry signed an immigration bill there.
He thinks that this is a matter for the federal government because it deals with an illegal immigration problem. The U.S. Congress has to create a national immigration policy, according to Brad Henry.
The measure calls for state and local agencies to sustain the citizenship and immigration status for state or local benefits.
It also calls for public agencies to screen Social Security numbers to make sure that there are no mix-ups and that the numbers match with the job applicant’s name.
The measure doesn’t concern emergency medical and humanitarian services.

There are immigration groups who said that the measure was to stop illegal immigration and that can lead to discriminatory barriers to housing and jobs.
They are saying that the policy isn’t a measure of the state but of the federal government.
Ray Madrid, state director of the League of United Latin American Citizens, is concerned that this measure isn’t accurate because it’s going to take us back.

I agree with Ray Madrid and the immigration groups because this measure isn’t a step in the good direction. It’s inaccurate to prevent illegal immigrants from finding work, they also have to work for food and a home. I think that the poverty will increase because of this immigration bill.
I do agree with Brad Henry when he said that this is a matter of the federal government and not of the state. The states can take actions on their own, but they will not be successful when the U.S. doesn’t do anything.

Source: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,270963,00.html?sPage=fnc/us/immigration

1 opmerking:

  1. I've been in secondary school with a lot of immigrants. I have to say this is a case that concerns the federal government but also the different states. I also have to admit that it does have to concern immigrants wanting to find a job because they are also a lot that doesn't want to learn a new language for example. I think that both groups have to be part of the community.
